New beginnings

New beginnings

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Chatted with a friend today and it felt good just to talk about the years gone by. 

Isn't it funny how we feel comfortable with good friends, and that no matter how many other friends we might find, they will always be your "real" friends? Someone you can talk to and laugh with...and the distance between you does not matter, nor does the length of time you haven't seen or talked to each other. Strange how you can just pick up from where you were before and just reminisce the good ol' days. And even if those days were not as good as you have it now in life, they are still and will always be the best times of your life. 

Great friends are not easy to come by. We might find good friends, but the great ones are just one of a kind. And if you find the great ones, don't ever let them go, because you might never have the chance to find another. 

The good ol' days...days when we would just go out and have some fun...a lot of stories told and retold every time we see each other. And yet those stories always bring laughter and joy. I am sure that if we were to have a get together again, it will still be the same stories said and the same kind of happiness it will bring to everyone. 

Now we are mature, (don't really want to say "old" hahaha) and we look back at where we came from, what we did - whether right or wrong - and we can afford to laugh and say, "those were the good ol' days." We can be thankful to God for what we have and what we have accomplished. But most of all, we can thank God for giving us such great friends!

JP - "A friendship that will last a lifetime and more...."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It started with the best intentions

Sometimes, even with the very best of intentions, we end up being hurt. All I ever wanted was to help and now I am the villain.

It is difficult to live with someone who thinks too highly of himself. If you call his attention to some little thing he does, just as a reminder for the next time, and he cannot even have the decency to admit he was wrong or even say sorry; then it is bound to create friction and animosity.

the thing is, after talking and laying all my cards on the table, I find out that once again, I have been played. And it hurts...and am tired.

Why is it always so hard to help other people? I am almost tempted to just not help at all and let them swim the ocean on their own. If they make it, well and good, if not, then too bad so sad.

Oh God, hear my prayers. Give me strength and more patience. I am in dire need of them right about now. I will cast my burdens upon you, because I feel so tired and it feels so heavy. Help me Lord Jesus to be more like you.