New beginnings

New beginnings

Monday, October 7, 2013

When life seems to be unkind...there is always hope

Isn't it funny how we convince ourselves that our lives are perfect? 

Life is a series of ups and downs...I've heard this saying since I was a kid. And I have come to realize how true it really is. There are times when everything is perfect - everyone is happy, contented and not a hair is out of place. And as we are in this phase, we, ever so pessimistic, are always scared of what we might find around the bend. Yes, our downs will always come...and during this trough, we find ourselves confused, alone, scared and grumpy. Sometimes we find ourselves with an ache in the heart..and then we despair and we lose hope. Despite all these, we often find ourselves praying for guidance and enlightenment; no matter how difficult it is, we always find ourselves asking God to help us. The answers to our prayers may not always come right away, nor do they come in the way we expect them to. God works in mysterious ways. He may answer you in the form of a friend giving you counsel or helping you out; or He may use a stranger to enlighten you. Notice how people come and go in your life - some people stay for a little while, and once their mission is done in your life, they just drift away. Some stay with you for a few years, until you grow and  then, like the "short stay friends" they go; and yet, a few stay for a lifetime. 

Everything that happens in our life has a reason. More often than not we do not understand why things have to happen, and then we feel frustrated and alone. The best way to deal with these situations is to try and remember to TRUST GOD. He knows what is in store for you, and as our God, He will not let you fall. If we do, He helps us get up. These falls are not His doing, but ours. He has give us the freedom of choice, and it is when we choose unwisely that we find ourselves falling. Like any doting parent, He helps us up without judging us or hating us.

So when you find yourself down and alone, confused and cold- take heart and give your trust to Him. For He will not let you go. He will hold you in the palm of His hand and comfort you. All you need to do is cry out to Him and He will come.