If you are or were married, you probably asked this question at least once in your lifetime. Which is more important: "Til death do us part" or "Blood is thicker than water?" If you think there is an easy answer to your problem, think again. I suggest you do not even attempt to answer it. A good solution is the ability to create balance between the two and realize your priorities.
When you were born, you had a family who took care of you, and you viewed your family as a single unit. They catered to your every need and made sure you grew up to be a good and successful person. Yes, you had your extended family, but they were that - extended. Your family was composed of your Dad and Mom and your siblings.
The sun rose and fell, time flew by, you grew up and got married. Now you are starting a new chapter in your life where you are the one in charge of your own family. Where the responsibility of keeping your family together, making sure your kids were taken care of and that they grow to be successful men and women lies on both you and your wife. Yes, some people might say that a mom or a dad cannot be replaced, unlike husbands or wives. This is where the saying "Blood is thicker than water comes in." But since you got married, they are now the "extended" family, and you have your own. Think about it. They did what they had to do, just like you when you raise your kids and take good care of them. Same as when you grow old, when all the kids are married and have their own lives, it will be back to you and your husband/wife. It started with the two of you and ends with the two of you.
Nowadays it is so easy to say "That's it, I'm done. Let's get a divorce." However, remember when you said your vows before God? "Til Death do us part." You vowed in front of God that you will be by your husband's/wife's side in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer. It will be your spouse's hand you will hold the rest of your life...and yet, you owe your life to your dad and mom. Actually, you don't really owe them because they wanted to have you and to raise you. You just have to love them and remember them specially when they grow old.
If you find yourself asking this question, it is not an easy road to follow, but just like everything, you must learn how to create balance in the situation and to keep a good perspective of things. Your priority is your own family, that is first and foremost, because you have vowed before God to love and protect your own family. But this does not mean you will forget your blood family, you must care about them, but don't make your life revolve around them, your life must revolve around your wife and your children first, and then your extended family. After all, there is a lot of love to spread around...this is one thing that does not ran out - LOVE.
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